Digital Marketing in the Shipping Industry

With the rapid change driven by technology in the developed world, we see expanding content and increasing speed in the digital age within our lives.

As in all areas of life, technology has added marketing to its reservoir and has been able to carry marketing to the digital environment. The concept of innovation plays an important role in shaping a completely new idea and service and adapting it to changing market conditions through the revision of an existing service. Innovation, change, development are the main pillars of progress.

In the constantly-changing global economy, one of the most important moves that institutions must make in order to become a brand is to determine their target group and reach this target group to ensure that customers remain loyal to the brand. Brands must make customers aware of their products or services and figure out the easiest way to sell these products or services to their customers.

Marketing is the process by which brands figure out how to best sell to their customers and eventually become a mass-market consumer brand.

Digital marketing, through the Internet, has allowed brands to emerge and gain momentum quicker than ever before. Additionally, new technological developments have allowed marketing to be scaled up and down much quicker with much less overhead for corporate teams. Technology has also allowed companies to have more intimate relationships with existing and potential customer, and thus, personalize marketing for individual customers, helping to retain more customers over time.

The same basic principles that drive digital marketing for all brands apply to the shipping industry, too.

These principles include the rapid flow of information, the process of building brand awareness, generating and distributing press, direct sales development, product or service development, an easy way of communicating the services you want to offer, and most importantly, easier customer service.

Innovative Digital Business Models in the New Digital Age of Shipping

A wave of digital disruption is about to hit sea and air freight forwarders. Startups, suppliers, and customers are using digital technologies to develop a variety of innovative business models that will dramatically improve the customer experience and eliminate entrenched operational inefficiencies within the shipping industry. These digital business models have the potential to overturn the dominant position traditional forwarders have long held in the industry. Traditional forwarders that wish to survive have no choice but to digitize. By our estimate, automating manual processes now could reduce certain back-office and operations costs by up to 40%, while digitizing significant parts of the sales process could reduce related direct costs even further. And, as new business models gain traction over the long term, digital capabilities will open up tremendous opportunities to win in the shipping and logistics marketplace.

If digital marketing strategies in the new digital age of shipping are evaluated in terms of brand awareness and loyalty, more successful results can be obtained. In addition to providing customers with easy access online with the search for services, a company also needs financial security. In this context, building brand awareness and loyalty has effective results in creating long-term relationships and successful sales strategies. Shipping, being a brand, and being preferred in the field, will meet both the long-term security principle and help companies thrive in the new age of digital marketing.